Monday, November 30, 2009

Fani and Tushie!

Fani and Tushie! Big news: Tushie finished her Championship! It was completed with 3 majors! She is now officially knows as Ch. CnSand Don't Squeeze the Charmin! Tushie is pictured with her "evil" half sister Fani (Zsa X Owen).
Tushie has also completed all of the needed health testing and will be bred at some point in the winter of 2010.

Stella and Benny!

Stella and Benny! The little one is Stella (Zsa X Owen) and the big one is Benny (Zsa X Dobby). Owners Kimiko, Rob, Owen, Reed, Graham, and Luca are having lots of fun with the two! Big Bro Benny is patient with little Stella and even shares his ball (sometimes).