Saturday, July 13, 2013

4th Annual cnSand PWD Reunion!

CnSand Portuguese Water Dog Families!

I am hosting the forth annual CnSandPWD Family Reunion in Newtown, CT at the new home of Richard and Ann Garber.  The Garber's have graciously volunteered the use of their property for the event.  While the Newtown house may not have quite the expanse of grass as the farm in Pawling had....this beautiful place has a completely fenced in yard.  Plenty of room for humans to relax and dogs to run about.  

Date: Saturday, August 3rd at 1pm.  (raindate August 4th)
RSVP:  By July 29th.  Please call or Email Kris if you plan to attend.  (860)633-8045
I will give you a complete address once you RSVP

What to bring:  We ask that everyone attending bring some sort of snack, salad, chips, desert, from the list below (some items will allow more than one to bring it).  The first to RSVP and say they are bringing it gets to...thus those after will be requested to bring something else.   We had ALOT of food left over last please feel free to bring smaller portions.

Richard and Anne will supply Hamburgers, Hotdogs and rolls.  If you would like a Turkey or veggie burger or other grill food...please feel free to bring it and we will get it cooked.  

I will supply paper products and plastic wear.

Drinks (please bring either two 2 liter bottles or two 12 packs individual cans)
Diet Coke/Diet Pepsi
Iced Tea 
Other favorite 

Available items to bring (Again...PLEASE smaller portions):
Tossed Salad w/ dressing
Potato Salad
Pasta Salad
Other “picnic” food (please specify)

Potato Chips (one bag!!!!)
Tortilla Chips and Salsa (one bag)
A favorite Snack food (chex mix or something like that)

Veggie Platter
Fruit Platter

Other Dessert Food (Please specify)

For the dog:  Please make sure that all dogs are fully up to date on shots, have not been ill, and are friendly around other dogs.   Please do not bring any females that may be in season.   Intact adult males are allowed but PLEASE monitor them fully......intact males (over the age of one year) will NOT be allowed to play with each other.   Please keep your dog leashed and with you.  Kris will organize and arrange play opportunities based upon how well dogs get along.  This will not be a free for all dog park!  We will have dogs of varying ages thus we must try and make this a positive and FUN experience for everyone!

I look forward to seeing everyone!!!!   Cancelations and updates will be on my blog:

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